In the past, many students weren't attending school, and some families didn't see the value in education. We knew something needed to change. One teacher had an idea: What if offering lunch could motivate students to come to school? After deciding to try it, the results were remarkable!
Classes were filled once again, and with students in the classroom, learning took off.
For three consecutive years, every single student in the 7th grade class has passed their exams and graduated, a testament to the power of meeting basic needs and providing the opportunity to learn. This simple initiative has had a lasting impact on both the students and their families.
"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life."
- Muhammed Ali
Good morning, detectives! Collecting donations for the Policeman's Ball? We don't have balls. I honestly have no response for that. Need I remind you, Mr. Spencer, what happens when you interfere with a police investigation? Uhhh... The case gets solved?
Remember, Dad, you treat a woman like a person, then a princess, then a goddess, then a person again.
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever."
- Mahatma ghandi
No pepperoni? Really? Plus the blatant disregard and utter criminal lack of ham and pineapple. What kind of a good faith negotiation is this? I mean, this is a hostage negotiation! Well, I don't care if you're not happy with the ingredients. Put the pizzas down and walk away!
Told you so. Touché. You can't touché yourself. Sure I can. Your bad. It's not my bad. You can't "my bad" for someone else.